A.J.K.A.T. Member Benefits
- Membership is free and open to the public
Anyone who is sincere in wanting a new JFK investigation.
You are welcome to
promote your JFK Truth activities under the banner of the AJKAT.
You can advertise: "Joe Smith, a member of the Association of
John Kennedy Assassination Truth, will be speaking about JFK at the local library
next Wednesday..."
or you can keep your name out of it: "Members of the AJKAT will be
- An organization you can cite when reserving rooms for activities, such
as at a public library
- Information and inspiration from other members about how to increase
JFK awareness
- Free email account:
YourName@AJKAT.org for use in your activism, either forwarding to your
existing email address, or as a separate account with
many features.
- Your own web page, highlighting your JFK truth activities at
membership cards for
passing out to promote JFK Truth Awareness
to be a card carrying conspiracy theorist (along with the 1979 HSCA
- Discounts on AJKAT conferences and special events
- Get to know other JFK Truth Activists world wide, and exchange ideas
- Promote unity of the diversity of approaches to JFK Truth
You may place AJKAT logos on your web site upon Membership approval.
- Strength in numbers - show that the number of people who question the
Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is growing day by day.
Association for John Kennedy Assassination Truth
World Peace through awareness of the events of November 22, 1963